The Rev. Dr. Douglas Kelchner was a minister in a variety of denominational settings and church sizes for 47 years prior to his retirement in 2018. His last congregation before retiring was The Edison Congregational Church in Fort Myers, FL which is part of the National Association of Congregational Christian Churches. Pastor Doug came to us as an ordained NACCC minister and on February 11, 2024 he was installed as the Ordained Minister of our congregation.
Pastor Doug is a native of Virginia. He attended what is now the University of Valley Forge and earned his BA degree from what is now Evangel University and his Masters and Doctor of Ministry degrees from what is now Bethany Divinity College and Seminary. Doug and Vicki have been married just over 50 years. They have two children and four grandchildren. He is known by all as "Pastor Doug" and in some settings simply "PD".
Why did Pastor Doug choose to come out of retirement and accept this pastorate? In his own words..."Immediately, when I first filled in at Community Congregational Church I fell in love with the warmth of the congregation and I am truly committed to our future together. Several things they stated as critical in their pastoral search really resonated with my heart. They were looking for a minister who would preach from the Bible, be people oriented and free from politics in the pulpit. I believe I can fulfill that request. Most importantly, together, we will proclaim the good news of the Gospel throughout our community".